THE STORY: We went fishing at a pond and the first fish Jared caught he asked me to put in the fishing kreel (basket)...a bit confused as to why he wasn't going to "kill" the fish first before putting it in the kreel...I opened the lid and to my surprise found it full of soda's, candy kisses, treasures, and laffy taffy's and A RING!! I then gave the fish to him and he released it as I got the ring out of which he took got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I said YES and then he put the ring on my slimy fish hand! :-)
Later that evening we went and shot clays with Nick and Cindy...Quite a day! :-)
Oh and here's a picture of the beautiful ring!! The best part about getting it was the man who put it on my finger...a gold wedding band will soon join it!